Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Blog #3

I wonder when I'll stop numbering the blogs that I write and when it just becomes natural.

You have no idea about the lengths that I am going to to write this post. I just wrote half of it and then the Internet disconnected and now I have to start again.

Anyway, the purpose of this post is to introduce you to me and my crazy family. I’ll introduce each person and then describe how it all fits together.

Mum: The nicest, kindest, best person I’ve ever met and will ever meet. She’s the reason I’m who I am, even though I doubt she’d ever admit it. She’s had a tough life with a bastard of a husband who took her for granted and left her with nothing. Despite this, she’s never given up. She’d never believe me but I think she’s the strongest person I’ve ever met.

Dad: the aforementioned bastard. My dad is one of those frustrating people who could have had everything they’d ever wanted but what they’ve got is never enough. He’s a recovering alcoholic who has been sober for eight years. I know that lots of people have ‘dad issues’ or whatever you’d like to call them but I seriously am one of these people and, as much as I wish it was different, I’ll probably always feel the same. I just can’t imagine it ever being any different.

Brother: My brother is probably my second favourite person in the world. He’s 16 months older than me so we’ve always been close. I think that our family situation really brought my mum, brother and I together and I think it’s a bond that would be hard to break.

My mum and dad split up when I was 10. They went through periods of getting back together and splitting up again and my dad just wouldn’t move on, which meant that my mum couldn’t move on. My dad now has a lovely partner whom I will call T. T deserves so much better than my dad. She’s very similar to my mum and will be easily taken for granted. The cracks haven’t started to show yet but I they will eventually.

And then there’s me. Twenty years old. Studying to become a primary school teacher. Confused about who I am and where I’m going but I know it will work out in the end.

On the relationship front, I’ve *gasp* never had a boyfriend. And whilst this has been good for my independence (sing it with me: “I don’t need a man to make it happen, etc”), I’m starting to feel that maybe I’ll become too independent and never need anyone else.

Argh, I don’t think I’ve said what I’m trying to say but this blog writing gets me confused about what I want to say and how I want to say it. Anyway, these are subjects that I am sure will be expanded upon at a later date.

One last random fact: I can't stop thinking about the rock climber from yesterday. Am I really that desperate??

1 comment:

Jane said...

oooft. I love this blog already!

You'll figure out your blogging 'style' soon enough, don't worry. If you go back to the beginning of mine, all of my posts were really me blogging about blogging 'is this how it's done?' type of idea. It becomes very natural.

As for the rock climber, I may be on the other side of the world, but I approve!!

Well done for starting your blog, keep it up :-)

(I shall link you too)